Monday, January 25, 2016

Exclusive ostrich leather

Exclusive ostrich leather

Ostrich leather is beautiful leather with specific pattern and also one of the most delicious and the most expensive leather. The spots on ostrich leather make this leather different from all other type of leather. This leather is made from ostrich the mostly farmed in South Africa. This is one of exclusive leather and required CITES certificate for every item. This certificate is important for protecting endangered species of animals. Every items made from this leather must have this certificate that guarantee that it is not made from protected section of ostrich.

For fashion industry this leather one of the favorite leather for many reason. High level of quality and long lasting characteristics make this leather expensive, but unique pattern make this leather different and allow very good position on market. This leather is quite resistant because of chemical structure of skin.

The best part of skin for producing leather is the crown of the skin of this birds and this part is used for exclusive fashion industry.

The price of this leather is very high and on market are available many replica of this leather, this is other kind of leather printed with pattern of ostrich leather. Take care when you buy items of ostrich leather and carefully check is it real ostrich leather. Sometimes this leather look very similar with true ostrich leather but there is great difference in quality and price. The best way to check if leather is real is to touch item, real ostrich leather have many small bumps next to big one while printed look more perfect and bumps are more softer. When you look piece of printed leather you will notice same bumps and same pattern on many spots, this is not possible for real ostrich leather because every piece is unique. It is always good to buy this items where you are sure that it is real if you are not sure how to check is it real or replica.

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