Sunday, February 7, 2016

Major women's fashion items list according to men

Major women's fashion items list according to men

“Dressing well is a form of good manners .” 
 - Tom Ford 

Flat shoes vs high heels shoes Well girls, I know that you simply adore high heels. Maybe you will be surprised but mostly men prefer flat shoes instead of high heels shoes. Man asked: ”Why girls wear something that is so uncomfortable?” It is true, they might be paintfull. But high heels are still a girl's best friend. On the other side women asked: “Why do girls in high heels look sexier than those who don't wear them?” Marylin Monroe said: ”I don't know who invented a high heels, but all women owe him a lot.” Simply, superwomen do it in high heels.

Little black dress 

“When a little black dress is right there is nothing else to wear in its place .”
- Coco Chanel 

Rules of a Lady. Little. Black. Dress. For example, Coco Chanel is also famous for her promotion of a little black dress. If you don't prefer short dresses, there also exists one more solution. Men also love long dresses, it is not necessary for dress to be short. Do you know that LBD has it own entry in dictionary? It is a symbol of sophisticated simplicity and chic.

The red lipstick 

“She has a way with words, red lipstick, and making an entrance.” 
- Kate Spade 

 A few centuries ago the red lipstick was the hallmark of immorality. During Middle Ages, a red lipstick was providing a safe ticket to a hell. The lipstick was even banned. It had been forbidden until Golden Age of Hollywood and Marilyn Monroe. Nowadays, the red lipstick is worn by blondes and brunettes daily. Majority of respondents said that they would be more likely to approach a woman wearing red lipstick. Two of them commented that in the midst of a full club they would immediately notice a girl with the red lipstick, even if she wouldn't be the most beautiful. On a bed day, there is always a red lipstick.

For the end we can sum the most effective women's clothing items and accessories:

  1. The red lipstick; 
  2. The little black dress; 
  3. Good perfume and costume jewelry; 
  4. Your personal style can be both sexy and elegant.

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